About Annamittu Unn

Annamittu Unn stands as a beacon of hope, a Non-Profit, Non-Political Entity dedicated to extending vital support to those in dire need.

Since its inception on February 19, 2023, our dedicated team has been diligently serving our community, offering food, clothing through monthly clothing drives, and medical support to the most vulnerable among us. In our journey thus far, we’ve actively reached out to over 4000 individuals in need, primarily those living on the streets, the homeless, and the disabled, ensuring that they receive the nourishment and care they require.

Our mission finds its roots in the inspiration drawn from the visionary leader, Nammavar Dr. Kamal Haasan. His commitment to social welfare and inclusive progress serves as our guiding light, propelling us forward with unwavering dedication.

Now, we invite you to stand alongside us in this noble cause. Your support, whether through volunteering your time, making contributions, or simply spreading the word, or spreading awareness, can make a tangible difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Together, let’s continue to sow seeds of compassion and upliftment, fostering a brighter tomorrow for all.

With gratitude and determination,

Ms. Deepa
Founder – Annamittu Unn
United States
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Meet Our Team

Siva Kumar



Seshwanth TV 

Sunny Deon

Vivek kumar

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